pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (13권2호 155-162)
The Effect of the Metallic Mold Cooling System on the Solidification Structures and the Mechanical Properties for Al-10%Si Alloy Castings
금형주조한 Al-10%Si합금의 응고조직과 기계적 성질에 미치는 금형의 냉각효과에 관한 연구
Dong-Youn Lee*, Byung-Wook Cheon**, Chang-Ock Choi**
*Taejoo lnd. Co., **Dong-A University
This study has been focused on the influence of the metallic mold cooling effects on the solidification structures and the mechanical properties for Al-10%Si alloy castings by the variation of pouring temperatures, metallic mold temperatures and Cooling part of metallic mold. The dendrite arm spacing of Al-10%Si alloy was decreased with increasing cooling rate. In case of bottom cooling of metallic mold, DAS was appeared to be 20-22μм and in the middle cooling, it was increased to 36-40μм. The DAS decreased proportionally with(cooling rate)^{-3/2} at pouring temperatures 680℃ and (cooling rate)^{-1/2} at pouring temperature 760℃, but it was proportionally increased to (local solidification time)^{1/2-1/3} at pouring temperature680℃ and 760℃. The maximum tensile strength of Al-10%Si alloy casting was obtained in case of bottom cooling of mold at pouring temperature 680℃ and metallic mold temperature 320℃.