pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (13권1호 42-49)
A Study on the Fabrication of Cast Iron-Babbitt Metal Composite Pipes by Centrifugal Casting Process
원심주조법에 의한 주철-Babbitt Metal 복합관 제조에 관한 연구
Chung Do Lee, Choon-Sik Kang
Seoul National University
Conventional manufacturing process for cast iron-babbitt metal composite is complicate and bimetallic bonding by centrifugal casting is also difficult because their melting point is largely different and nonmetallic inclusion exists on outer shell. This study is aiming to simplify multistage process by adding Cu-powder as insert metals during cast iron solidification. The variables on fabrication of composite pipe are mold rotating speed and inner surface temperature of outer metal. The optimum temperature range for fusion bonding between cast iron and Cu-layer was 1100℃-1140℃ in case of mold rotating speed was 700rpm. When the inner surface of Cu-layer was at 900℃, the value of interfacial hardness between Cu-layer and babbitt metal were higher than Cu-matrix by forming diffusion layer, interfacial products between Cu-layer and babbitt metal are proved to be Cu_6Sn_5(η)by XRD.