pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (13권1호 62-70)
Preform Deformation and Fiber Heat-Treatment Effect in Squeeze Cast Al/Al_2O_3 Metal Matrix Composites
용탕단조한 Al/Al_2O_3 복합재료에서의 예비성형체 변형 및 섬유열처리 영향
Dong-Chul Ji*, Sung-Sill Jung*, Kyung-Mok Cho*, Ik-Min Park*, Jin Kim**
*Pusan National University, **Korea Automotive Technology Institute
This study presents the effect of applied pressure on the preform deformation during squeeze casting of Al_2O_3 short fiber reinforced aluminum alloy (AC8A) metal matrix composites. A preliminary model based on the general beam theory is suggested for the prediction of the preform deformation. Two different commercially available Al_2O_3 short fiber (Saffil, Kaowool) were used to study the influence of the fibers on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the squeeze cast Al/Al_2O_3composites. The composites were fabricated with the applied pressure of 75 MPa which was found to be the optimum condition for the squeeze casting of the composites in this study. For the amorphous Kaowool fiber, hard crystalline Mullite phase was formed with heat treatment. Both of amorphous and the crystallized Kaowool fibers were used to fabricate Al/Al_2O_3 composites. Microhardness of crystallized Kaowool fiber revealed higher than that of the amorphous Kaowool fiber in the squeeze cast composites. It was also found that the wear resistance of Kaowool fiber reinforced composites increased with the amount of Mullite.