pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (13권1호 81-93)
Analysis on the Elasto-Plastic Thermal Stress and Deformation of Metal Casting Mould by FEM (Finite Element Method
FEM을 이용한 주조금형(鑄造金型)의 탄소성(彈塑性) 열응력(熱應力) 및 열변형(熱變形) 해석(解析)
Ok-Sam Kim*, Bon-Kwon Koo**, Soo-Hong Min***
*Yosu National Fisheries University, **Seoul National Polytechnicl UniVersity, ***Inha University
It is well-known that the analysis of elasto-plastic thermal stress and deformation are substantially important in optimal design of metal casting mould. The unsteady state thermal stress and deformation generated during the solidification process of ingot and mould have been analyzed by two dimensional thermal elasto- plastic theories. Distributions of temperature, stress and relative displacement of the mould are calculated by the finite element method and compared with experimental results. In the elasto-plastic thermal stress analysis, compressive stress occurred at the inside wall of the mould whereas tensile stress occurred at outside wall. A coincidence between the analytical and experimental results is found to be fairly good, showing that the proposed analytical method is reliable.