pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (11권5호 398-405)
Solidification Structure of Al-2.7wt%Li Alloys by Cooling Rate Controlled
냉각속도에 따른 Al-2.7wt%Li 합금계의 응고조직
Deung-Seub Shim, Jeong-Cheol Choe, Hyung-Ho Chol*, Hae-Wook Kwon**
Ajou Univ., *Korea Academy of Industrial Technology., **Youngnam Univ.
Al-Li alloy has a high strength with low density. Practically this alloy should use by the material which made from the rapid solidification. Therefore we examine the solidification structures of alloy with cooling rate. According to cooling rate increased, grain size and secondary dendrite arm spacing were smaller. Also grain size was further smaller by Zr added. To obtain more fine solidification structure, rapid solidification by single roll melt spinning was performed. According to higher wheel speed, cooling rate increased and cell size was smaller. Because of locally different cooling rate, different cell size was obtained in same specimen. More than cooling rate 10^6^℃ /sec, zone A(insensible zone to corrosion)was obtained.