pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (31권5호 274-283)
Fabrication Process and Forming Analysis of Fuel Cell Bipolar Plate by Injection Condition of Vacuum Die Casting
진공 다이캐스팅 공법의 사출조건에 따른 연료전지용 분리판 성형 해석 및 제조 공정
Chul-Kyu Jin, Chang-Hyun Jang, Jae-Sung Kim*, Jae-Won Choi**, Chung-Gil Kang***
Pusan National University, *CAST TECH Co., **NSC Ind. Co., ***Pusan National University
The vacuum die casting is a promising candidate of the stamping process for fabrication of fuel cell bipolar plate due to its advantages, such as precision casting, mass production and short production time. This study proposes vacuum die casting process to fabricate bipolar plates in fuel cell. Bipolar plates were fabricated under various injection conditions such as molten metal temperature and injection velocity. Also, according to injection velocity conditions, simulation results of MAGMA soft were compared to the experimental results. In case of melt temperature 650oC, misrun occurred. When the melt temperature was 730oC, mechanical properties were low due to dendrite microstructure. Injection velocity has to set at more than 2.0 m/s to fabricate the sound sample. When melt temperature, injection velocity (Fast shot), and vacuum pressure are 700oC, 2.5 m/s and 30 kPa respectively, sample had good formability and few casting defects. Simulation results are mostly in agreement with experimental results.
Vacuum die casting, Injection condition, 3D casting simulation, Bipolar plate, Silafont-36 alloy.