pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (10권6호 509-519)
Solidification of the Aluminum with the Forced Liquid Convection
강제 대류하에서의 알루미늄 응고에 관한 연구
Hyung-Kyoo Kim*, Kyung-Tae Hong**, Sung-Kang Huh**, Woo-Young Yoon*
*Korea University, **Korea Institute of Science and Technology
A Solidification of the aluminum was studied under the condition of the forced liquid convection. The Al melt was stirred by a highly rotating carbon bar on whose surface the solidified Al was nucleated. The Al was refined by partial solidification and the solute distributions were rationalized through the estimation of the solidification rate which is based on the heat transfer calculation of the process. The microstructure-morphological change of the specimens was also showed.