pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (10권5호 392-398)
A Study on the Gravity Segregation in Monotectic Al Alloys.(II);The Effect of Master Alloy Addition on the Distribution of Pb, Bi Particles
Al계 편정합금의 중력 편석에 관한 연구(II);Pb, Bi 입자의 분산에 미치는 모하금 첨가의 영향
Ho-Eul Hwang*, Jai-Ha Lee**, Hee-Myung Kim***. Jeong-Cheol choe****, Eui-Park Yoon***
*Samson Industrial Co., **Jeonbuk Univ., ***Hanyang Univ., ****Ajou Univ.
To improve free-cutting property, fine Pb, Bi particles is necessary to be distributed evenly in Al-Cu alloy. The control of added element size and distribution are very difficult because of the physical properties of Pb, Bi. The effect of master alloy compositions on microstructure and particle distribution was investigated. The ribbon shape of Pb-50wt% Bi master alloy showed the best results. And Ti addition improved even distribution of Pb, Bi particles. Particles grown from L_2 phase were considered to be the Pb, Bi compound.