pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (10권2호 144-153)
The Study on the Strength and Toughness of Austempered Ductile Cast Iron
오스템퍼 처리(處理)한 구상흑연주철(球狀黑鉛鑄鐵)의 강인화(强靭化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(1)
Young-Kye Lee*, Sug-Won Kim*, Dong-Keon Kim*, Bang-Sik Lee**
*Chonbuk National University, **Chonnam National University
Ductile cast iron has good ductility and toughness, for the graphite morphology is spheroidal. It has been reported that the strengthening and toughening of the ductile cast iron was resulted from the modification of matrix structure by the heat treatment or the addition of alloying elements. In this study, effects of various special heat treatments (cyclic heat treatment and intermediate heat treatment) and Ni addition on the toughness and strength of the austempered ductile cast iron were studied. The results obtained from this study were as follows : 1. The amount of fine pearlite was increased with the Ni content and the number of cycle in cyclic heat treatment. 2. When the specimens treated and not by special heat treatment at 820 was austempered, in the former the austenite was formed on grain boundary entirely, but in the latter on grain boundary partially. 3. The impact energy was decreased with the Ni content, because the coarisen austenite pools formed with the Ni content was transformed into martensite during quenching. 4. The mechanical properties of austempered ductile cast iron containing 2%Ni treated cyclic heat treatment(5 cycles)was very excellent in handness 99(HRB), impact energy 12(kg-m) maximum fracture load 1500(kg-f).