pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (31권5호 288-292)
Development of Uranium-foil Fabrication Technology for Mo-99 Irradiation Target by Self Gravity Flowing for PFC Method
용탕자중공급 PFC법을 이용한 의료용 동위원소 Mo-99 조사타겟용 우라늄박판 제조공정개발
Moon-Soo Sim, Chang-kyu Kim*, Ki-Hwan KIM*, Woo-Jung Kim*, Jong-hyeon Lee
Graduate School of Green Energy Technology, *Research Reactor Fuel Development Division
In order to complement the drawbacks of quartz crucible such as fragile-like break and melt-leakage through open slit nozzle, a new PFC system has been developed using a common graphite crucible and plugging system. The u melt is fed on to the rotating a roll through slit nozzle by self-gravity. The new equipment was designed and manufactured successfully. An effort for optimizing all related parameter has been made. Then using the optimized parameters about 10 meters u foil having very thin thickness, which meets the target thickness of 130 μm and enough width more than 60 mm could be made. The thickness homogeneity set improved, due to the lower eddy flowing of the melt flow the self-gravity feeding system.
PFC, Uranium foil, Continuous Polycrystalline Foil, Mo-99, Tc-99m.