pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (10권1호 50-56)
Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Al-Ni Eutectic Composite by Upward Continuous Casting
상향식 연속주조법으로 제조한 Ai-Ni 공정복합재료의 응고조직 및 기계적 성질
Kee-Kyun Kwon*, Chun-Pyo Hong**, Kye-Wan Lee***
*Graduate School of han yang univ., **Yonsei univ., ***han yang univ.
Continuous casting of the$Al-Al_3Ni: eutectic composite was carried out by the upward continuous casting process. The morphology of the eutectic growth and the stability of solid-liquid interface were investigated under various growth conditions in an upward continuous casting. The effect of growth conditions on the mechanical properties of the Al-Al_3 Ni eutectic composit was also investigated, and the results were compared with those by the Bridgman method. As for the results, it was possible to get the planar solid-liquid interface at the condition of G_L/R=1.04x10^3^℃sec/mm^2. And the inter-rod spacing of Al-Al_3Ni eutectic composite was decreased with the increase of pulling speed. The reduction of inter-rod spacing & value of G_L/R caused the increase of ultimate tensile strength in Al-Al_3Ni: eutectic composite. The ultimate tensile strengths of Al-Al_3Ni by the upward continuous casting were higher then those by the Bridgman method.