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pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381


한국주조공학회지 (9권5호 396-402)

A Study on the Fabrication of Metal Fiber by Rapid Solidification Process

급냉응고법에 의한 금속 섬유제조에 관한 연구

Nam-lk Balk, Sung-Kang Hur, Hyung-Yong Ra*

KIST, *Seoul univ.


Metal fibers of Al and stainless steel were fabricated by the PDME method and the Taylor process. Tensile strength of metal fiber produced by both the PDME method and the Taylor process was much higher than that of conventionally solidified materials. Utilizing the PDME method, Al fiber with 100μм was fabricated under Ar gas atmosphere, and stainless steel fiber with 50μм was fabricated under 0.06 Torr vacuum. Continuous fiber of stainless steel was made by the Taylor process and the surface of this fiber was smother than that fabricated by the PDME method.
