pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (8권4호 446-452)
A Study on the Precipitates in Rapidly Solidified Al-(Fe, Ce) Alloys by Analysis of X-Ray Diffraction
급냉응고된 Al-(Fe, Ce) 합금에서 형성되는 석출상의 X-선적연구
Ik-Min Park*, Kyu-Han Lee*, Jeong-Cheol Choe**, Hyung-Ho Jo***
*Busan National University, ** Ajou University, ***Korea Mining & Smelting Co.
To obtain detailed information on the metastable and the equilibrium phases in rapidly solidified Al-(Fe,Ce) alloys, analysis of X-ray diffraction pattern has been carried out. It has been found that the metastable phase formed in Al-Fe alloys including up to 6wt%Fe is Al_6Fe and the equilibrium phase is Al_3Fe. Any X-ray diffraction peak corresponding to the equilibrium phase Al_{13}Fe_4 has not been observed during aging. In Al-4wt%Fe alloy, which is ribbon shape with thickness less than μм, aged at 400℃ for 1h after rapid solidification, unidentified phase has been found. In Al-4wt%Ce alloy, only X-ray diffraction peak corresponding to the equilibrium phase, Al_4Ce has been observed. It has been found that the metastable phase Formed in Al-Fe-Ce alloys including up to 6wt% Fe and 4wt% Ce is Al_6Fe and the equilibrium phases are Al_3Fe and Al_{10}CeFe_2.