pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (8권4호 459-466)
The Effects of Molybdenum and Nickel Addition on Impact Toughness of Austempered Ductile Cast Iron
오스템퍼 구상흑연주철의 충격인성에 미치는 Mo 및 Ni의 영향
Yoon-Woo Park, Hyun-Ku Chang
Sung Kyun Kwan Univ.
This study was carried out in the austempering temperature and time after Ni, Mo addition in purpose of modification of impact toughness of austempered ductile irons. Addition of alloy element and austempering treatment of 900℃ 60 minutes followed by 300℃, 350℃ and 400℃ for 60 minutes, in this case impact value was increased by ideal mixed structure. But impact value was decreased when holing time is 120minutes, this is attributed to segregation and carbide precipitation from high carbon austenite. Highest impact value was obtained by 350℃ (Mo-addition) and 400℃ (Ni-addition). This phenomena was caused by presence of remained austenite. At all austempering temperature,, Ni-added specimen showed higher impact values than that of Mo-added specimen. And hardness property was affected by austempering temperature and holding time rather than amounts of alloying element.