pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (8권3호 271-281)
A Study on the Change of Properties of Al-bronze Due to Alloy Elements and Cooling Rate.
알루미늄청동의 합금성분 및 냉각속도에 따른 특성변화에 관한 연구
Woon-Jae Jung*, Heon-Joo Kim, Dong-Ok Kim*, Eui-Pak Yoon**
*Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials, **Han Yang univ.
Al-bronze has a good mechanical property, corrosion resistance and castability, so being highlighted for the new copper alloy. So, effects of alloy composition and cooling rate in the mechaincal properties and solidification behavior have been investigated. The results obtained are as follows; 1) Change in volume on solidification is larger in metal mold casting than in sand mold casting. And it decreases by the addition of Al. 2) The mechanical property in metal mold casting is superior to the one in sand mold casting, and the inclination is obvious up to 9% Al, after heat-treatment (885℃, 1.5hrs- >WxQ->540℃, 3hrs) 3) By adding Al, the mechanical property is slightly increased up to 9% Al, Above 9% Al, it is increased rapidly, and is accelerated by adding Fe. 4) Cooling rate and hardness, and grain size and cooling rate are related as follows in the range of 1100℃ to 1200℃ pouring temperature. Grain size(μм)=$929.6422x cooling\;rate(℃/sec)^{-0.51537}Hardness(BHN)=$765.45713xgrain size(μм)^{-0.31058}