pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (7권2호 122-132)
The Effects of Pattern Coatings on the Solidification of Pure Aluminum Castings and the Thermal Behavior of Molds in FMC Processes
FMC법에서 모형 도형제가 순알루미늄 주물의 응고와 주형의 열적거동에 미치는 영향
N.D.Cho*, Y.N.Kim**
*kookmin univ., **Gradeate school of kookmin univ.
Full mold casting process is a new technique offering numerous advantages and promising possibilities. The present study is aimed to bring out the results of experiments carried out to study the effect of pattern coatings on the solidification of 99.5% pure aluminum plate-shaped castings in the various sand molds and the thermal behavior of the molds. The results of the investigation indicate that (i) with increase in pattern coating thickness, the relative chilling power decreases gradually for silica and increases for zircon coating, and (ii) the application of a pattern coating significantly reduces the maximum interface temperature by the mold which is more pronounced in the case of thinner mold wall. The investigation also indicates that Chvorinov's rule is not found to be valid for the casting in the full mold, with or without pattern coating. Therefore in full mold process, the pattern coating thickness will be a very important parameter in the study of thermal behavior.