pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (7권1호 28-37)
The Study on the Solidification of V-Section and Finned Casting by Use of Pure Aluminum
순(純) 알루미늄 V형(型) 및 Finned Casting의 응고(凝固)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
M.H.Kim*, C.S.Kang**, D.O.Kim***, J.Y.Jeong****
*Chonbok National University, **Seoul univ., ***Korea Instutute of Machinery & Materials, ****Rinnai Korea co.
The progression of the solidification wave front in V-section and finned casting was studied by use of the pour-out test, employed with high. Purity aluminum. The results obtained were as follows; a) The shape of solidification wave front at the inside and outside corners did not change according to solidification time, but it changes according to the corner angles at a given molding and melting condition. b) The cooling fin effect could be repserented as functions of solidification time and fin sise, and this result could be applied to enhance the accuracy of the section modulus method in the design of T and V section.