pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (7권1호 38-44)
A study on the fluidity of graphite dispersed Al-Si alloy
흑연(黑鉛)을 분산(分散)시킨 Al-Si 합금(合金)의 유동성(流動性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
Hyuk Moo Kwon*, Se Kyoon Shin**, Choong Kun Chang***. Seung Pyung Choi****
*Chung Nam National University, **Graduate school of Chung Nam univ., ***Chung Nam univ. ****Cho sun univ.
The spiral fluidity of graphite-dispersed Al-Si alloys has been investigated as a function of contents of Si and graphite, and of particle size of graphite. The dispersion of uncoated graphite is carred out by the vortex process of preheat-treated graphite into molten metal. The fluidity of hyper-eutectic Al-Si alloys is observed to the better than that of hypo-eutectic ones. In the case of graphite- dispersed Al-Si alloys they fluidity increases in hypo-eutectic alloys and decreases in hyper- eutectic ones in comparison with that of the corresponding undispersed alloys. Fluidity decreases with an increase of amount of dispersed graphite particles and inversely proportional to the total surface area of graphite particles.