pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (5권4호 283-288)
A Study on the Solidification Characteristics of 3-PLane L-Sections Castings in the Mold
삼면(三面)L-형(型) 주물(鑄物)의 주형내응고특성(鑄型內凝固特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
Y. H. Han*, G. W. Lee**
*Hong Ik Technical College, **Han Yang univ.
The melt of highly purified Zn was poured by top pouring process into the open green sand mold, that was made by using the 3-plane L-sections pattern. After skin was formed, the unsolified melt was poured out by rolling-over. The thicknesses of skin for each different of castings were investigated with one dimension. The results obtained and could be summerzed as follows: 1) While the 3-plant L-sections castings were solidifying in the mold, solidification blocks of different section modulus in the castings were formed, i.e. 1-dimension divergency block, 2-dimension heat divergency block, 3-dimension heat divergency block, 2-dimension heat convergency block, and 3-dimension heat convergency block. 2) When the chill plate was set up to the mold in order to change section modulus artificially, heat divergency blocks and heat convergency blocks according to the shape of chill plate were revealed.