pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (3권4호 239-247)
A Study of the CV graphite cast iron with small additions of a Al-Cu alloy
Al-Cu첨가(添加)에 의(依)한 CV흑연주철(黑鉛鑄鐵)에 관한 기초연구
Hyeong-Tag Jeon* ,Bo-Young Hlll** ,Soo-Yong Kim**
*Graduate School of han yang univ., **han yang univ.
CV graphite cast iron has been studied and generally known to have properties close to the average values of those between flake and spheroidal graphite cast iron. However, the thermal diffusivity of CV graphite cast iron is much larger than that of the average value of those between flake and spheroidal graphite cast iron. In this study, an easy production method of CV graphite cast iron with small additions of a Al-Cu which is known as the element of the graphitization was investigated. The effects of hold time and of Al-Cu additions after the treatments with spheroidizer (Fe-Si-Mg alloy) were also investigated. Increasing the additions of a Al-Cu alloy, the holding time to form a CV graphite cast iron was decreasing. Tensile strength and thermal diffusivity (flash method) were measured in order to find the changes of the mechanical properties and the physical properties. Spheroidal, CV, and flake graphite cast iron have tensile strengths 46.44, 38.29, and 27.29\;kg/mm^2 and thermal diffusivities 3.95x10^{-6,} 8.41x10^{-6}, 8.81x10^{-6}m^2/sec, respectively at room temperature.