pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (3권3호 159-166)
Study on Carbon Pick-up in molten iron (I);Effect of Crystallization heat treatment of Carbon-bearing materials on Carbon Pick-up in molten iron
용철(熔鐵)에서의 가탄(加炭)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(1);가탄(加炭)에 미치는 탄소재(炭素材)의 결정화열처리(結晶化熱處理)의 영향
Won-il CHO*, Jong-Nam LEE**
*Graduate School of Korea University, **Korea University
In order to develope domestic carburizers, the experiment was carried out by applying crystallization heat treatment to domestic anthracites and also to foreign products to compare with domestic anthracites.The present work was mainly concerned with the effect of their degree of crystallization of carbon-bearing materials on carbon pick-up in molten iron.Those effects were evaluated by the measurement of density, chemical composition, specific electric resistivity, and X-ray intensity of carbon-bearing materials. Experimental results thus obtained were summurized as follows. 1. The degree of crystallization of domestic anthracites and foreign products was increased with increasing heat treatment temperature. 2. The more degree of crystallization, the shorter the dissolving time of domestic anthracites in molten iron was obtained, while that of foreign products was remained constant. 3. As the degree of crystallization of domestic anthracites and foreign products was increased, the carbon content as well as carbon recovery in molten iron was increased.