pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (3권3호 167-173)
A Study on the Room Temperature Properties of Molding Sand with different Sand Grain Size
규사(硅砂)의 입도(粒度)에 따른 주물사(鑄物砂)의 상온성질(常溫性質)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
Dong-Soo CHOI*, Kye-Won LEE**
*han yang univ., **Graduate School of han yang univ.
The effect of sand grain size on the various properties of mold is not only basic but important interest which we have to deal with.And the relation among the various properties of mold (strength, permeability, flowability, compactability, hardness, deformation, toughness etc.) is very complicated and inaccurate, so we can delineate the behavior of mixture (sand+water+bentonite) with experience only. Within recent years a so-called rigid-water theory has been accepted as a means of advancing logical explanations for the research aimed at delineating sand-clay-water relationships. By changing grain size or mesh no. of grain, specimens have been subjected to green compressive strength, permeability, deformation, flowability, compactablity, toughness at room temperature. Under constant mulling energy and ratio of water/bentonite, the results obtained were as follows: 1. With decreasing grain size green compressive strength of the specimen increased. 2. With decreasing grain size permeability decreased. 3. With decreasing grain size flowability and bulk density decreased but compactability increased. 4. With decreasing grain size deformation decreased but toughness increased. 5. At 60 mesh no., the properties of specimen are conspicuously changed. The reason is that the total surface area of sand grain which affects the type of bonding between sand grains is more changed at 60 mesh number.