pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (34권4호 136-142)
Quantitative Evaluation of Solidification Crack Strength of AC2B Aluminum Casting Alloy
AC2B 알루미늄 주조합금의 정량적 응고균열 강도 평가
Heon-Joo Kim†
Pukyong National Univ.
Numerical solution of thermal stress by CAE analysis could be an effective method in product development stage of castings to predict and treat the problem of solidification cracking of castings. Quantitative stress- strain data are necessary, in this case. Tension type apparatus of a solidification crack test which can measure stress-strain relationship quantitatively was developed and the test procedure was established by this research. Solidification crack strength obtained from the following test procedure could be utilized to evaluate it in terms of effect factors on thermo-plastic characteristic of solidifying alloy such as grain size of solid, grain morphology, distribution of solid grain, etc. Proposed test procedure is as follow: Prediction of temperature at the failure site of solidification cracked specimen by computer simulation of solidification, Calculation of solid fraction of the failure site from thermodynamic solution of solidification under Scheil condition.
Solidification crack test, Solidification crack strength, Solidification crack test procedure