pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (34권6호 200-213)
The Brightness Change of Fractured Surface in Accordance with Inclusion Contents of Magnesium Alloy
마그네슘합금내 개재물 함유량에 따른 파단면의 명도변화
Hyun Sik Kim, Dea Hee Ye, Min Cheol Kang*, Jung Dae Kim** and Hae Yong Jeong†
Pukyong National University,*Korea Magnesium Technology Research Association,**Small and Medium Business Administration
Pure magnesium and magnesium alloys have been applied to various kinds of industrial industrial fields, especially automotive and electronic parts. These parts are manufactured mainly through a diecasting process. These days, magnesium ingots are used as raw material, and recycled ingots are often used for commercial purposes. But the quality of virgin magnesium and recycled ingots is not secure. Therefore, massive casting defects can occur, and some things manufactured can be damaged by these defects. This st This study evaluated the inclusions of virgin magnesium and recycled ingot. It also included composition analysis by spectrometer, measuring inclusion contents by SEM & ED & EDS, and performing a brightness test on fractured surfaces. The brightness test is generally very easy and obtains results quickly, so its results have been compared with the results obtained from various test methods. From the test results, we obtained a satisfactory result in evaluating inclusion and oxide. The brightness values are lower as the inclusion contents are higher. When the brightness value is over 47 in AM50A and 44 in AZ91D, the mechanical properties are expected to be good.
Virgin magnesium, Recycled ingot, Inclusion, Oxide, Evaluation