pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (37권2호 31-37)
Elevated Temperature Properties of Austenitic Heat-resistant Ductile Irons
오스테나이트계 내열 구상흑연주철의 고온 특성
Kyeong-Hwan Choe*†, Joung-Hyck Seo** and Su-Hwang Kim*,***
*Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, **KB Alloy, ***University of Science & Technology
A new form of austenitic heat-resistant ductile iron was developed and its microstructures and elevated temperature properties were compared to those of Ductile Ni-Resist D5S. According to JMatPro calculations, it was predicted that Mo-rich carbides would be crystallized before the eutectic reaction starts in the developed alloy. At the austenite cell boundaries of the developed alloy, both Mo-rich carbides and Cr-rich carbides were found. In addition, Ni-silicides were found adjacent to Cr-rich carbides in D5S specimen and were identified as Ni2Si. The developed alloy also had greater yield strength and lower tensile strength levels with less elongation due to the dissolution of Mo atoms into the austenite matrix and the precipitation of Mo-rich carbides. From the results of elevated temperature tensile tests and stress-rupture tests, it was found that the developed alloy had elevated temperature properties superior to those of D5S. This was due to the pinning effect of the dissolved Mo atoms in the austenite matrix.
Austenitic matrix, Heat-resistant ductile iron, Microstructures, Elevated temperature properties, Stress-rupture