pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (37권5호 157-163)
Microstructures and Deformation Behavior of AA 2014 Aluminum Alloys in the Semi-Solid State
AA 2014 알루미늄 합금의 고상율에 따른 미세조직 및 반응고 변형 거동
Do-Suck Han†
Dept. of Physics, Sogang University, Seoul
In the present study, the microstructural evolution and deformation behavior of AA 2014 aluminum alloys with different microstructures in a semi-solid state were investigated. For a given alloy, applied load and deformation time, the measured strain was higher at a higher temperature, indicative of a lower solid fraction. When a large proportion of the liquid was present as intragranular droplets, the alloy would not as easily deform because the effective liquid fraction between the solid grains had decreased. Greater deformation was achieved with higher grain boundary misorientations due to the enhanced wetting of the grain boundaries with liquid. A semi-empirical constitutive model is proposed for semi-solid deformation under the conditions in the present study. The mechanism of semi-solid deformation incorporates the initial flow of the liquid in the early stages of deformation, followed by a more gradual increase in the strain due to deformation by grain sliding accompanied by self-diffusion in the solid grains.
Semi-solid forming, AA 2014, Wrought, Spray formed, Constitutive model