pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (38권5호 087-094)
Effect of Sr and (Ti-B) Additives on Tensile Properties of AC4A Recycled Aluminum Casting Alloys
재활용 AC4A 알루미늄 합금의 인장특성에 미치는 (Ti-B), Sr 첨가제의 영향
Seung-Hwan Oh*, Heon-Joo Kim†
*Department of Metallurgical Eng, Pukyong National Graduate School, Busan 608-739, Korea, †Department of Metallurgical Eng, Pukyong National Univ., Busan 608-739, Korea
The dependence of the tensile properties on variations in the porosity of A356 aluminium alloys was investigated in terms of the quality index of the tensile properties based upon the ultimate tensile strength and elongation as well as the variation of the strength coefficient and strain-hardening exponent with regard to a T6 treatment. The test specimens were prepared by low-pressure die-casting and a subsequent T6 treatment, and the experimental results of a tensile test carried out at room temperature were compared to the theoretical description using a modified constitutive model. The nominal value of the quality index of A356 alloys increases gradually with a lapse of the ageing time upon a T6 treatment, despite the fact that this value is temporarily decreased during the initial stage of ageing from a solutionised condition. Additionally, the quality index depends practically upon the porosity variation with a power law relationship without regard to whether in solutionised or artificial aged conditions. The theoretical description indicates that the strength coefficient directly determines the nominal level of the quality index. Moreover, the overall dependence of the quality index on the porosity variation is remarkably weakened with an increase in the tensile strain, whereas the quality index depends sensitively upon the porosity variation with a low value of the strain- hardening exponent.
Aluminum scrap utilization, Grain refinement, Eutectic modification, Tensile property, Recycled AC4A aluminum alloy