pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (39권3호 33-43)
Effect of Zn additions on the Mechanical Properties of High Strength Al-Si-Mg-Cu alloys
Zn 첨가량에 따른 Al-Si-Mg-Cu계 합금의 미세조직 및 기계적 특성변화
Soo-Been Hwang*, Byung-Joo Kim*, Sung-Su Jung*, Dong-Gyu Kim**, Young-Cheol Lee*†
*Korea institute of Industrial Technology, Busan 46938, Republic of Korea **Dept of MSAE., Dong-A Univ., Busan 49315, Republic of Korea
In this study, the effects of Zn additions on the mechanical properties of Al-Si-Mg-Cu alloys were investigated by increasing the amount of Zn up to 8wt.%. As the Zn content was increased up to 6 wt.%, the yield strength and elongation changed linearly without any significant changes in the size and shape of the main reinforcement phase. However, it was confirmed by SEM observation that the Mg-Zn phase formed between the reinforcement phases when the amount of Zn added exceeded 7wt.%. A Mg-Zn intermetallic compound formed between the Mg2Si phase, becoming a crack initiation point under stress. Thus, the formation of the Mg-Zn phase may cause a sharp decrease in the elongation when Zn at levels exceeding 7 wt.%. It was also found that the matrix became more brittle with increasing the Zn content. From these results, it can be concluded that the formation of the Mg Zn phase may cause a sharp decrease in the elongation when Zn at levels exceeding 7 wt.%. It was also found that the matrix became more brittle with increasing the Zn content. From these results, it can be concluded that the formation of the Mg-Zn i intermetallic compound and the brittle characteristics of the matrix are the main c causes of the remarkable changes in the mechanical properties of this alloy system.
Aluminium, Zinc, Solid solution hardening, Gravity casting, Mg-Zn intermetallic compound