pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (25권1호 16-22)
The Effects of the Microstructures on the Fatigue Crack Propagation Behaviors of Cast Irons
주철의 피로전파거동에 미치는 미세조직의 영향
Sug-Won Kiml, Jin-Sung Park, Hyung-Chul Lee, Dong-Keun Kim, Kee-Do Woo
Chonbuk National University
This study aims to investigate the effects of the microstructures and nodule type on the fatigue characteristics of cast iron. Fatigue tests were carried out in tension-tension mode using a servo-hydraulic testing machine with load control mode operating at a frequency of 15 Hz. The tests were conducted at stress ratio R=Kmin/Kmax, of 0.1. Initial crack AK values were highly per- formed with increase in tensile strength of DCI fatigue specimens. AKm region, fatigue crack propagation was primarily advanced through cell boundary and in periphery of near nodule. Fatigue crack propagation rate of D2 consisted with 2Phase(Ferrite + Pearl- ite) was slow due to crack closure enhanced by crack deflection and occurred crack branching. The generation of crack branch was occurred due to interaction of crack-nodule. At Threshold and Paris zone, the fractographs of the fatigue fracture surface for DCI show typical striations of a ductile fracture and isolated cleavage planes near graphite. The effect of microstructure on fatigue crack propagation of GC strongly depends on the type of flake. The generation of crack branch occurred due to interaction of crack-nodule. The fractographs of the fatigue fracture surface for GC show cleavage plane along the flake graphite.
GC, DCI, Fatigue crack propagation, Crack closure, Crack branching, Cleavage plane