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pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381


한국주조공학회지 (21권1호 41-47)

Application of Solifidification Grain Structure Simulation for the Casting by Cellular Automaton Method

Cellular Automaton법을 이용한 주물의 응고조직 시뮬레이션에의 적용

In-Sung Cho, Itsuo Ohnaka*

Yonsei University, *Osaka University


Computer simulation of the solidification grain structure was applied to the casting process by using CA-DFDM. The Direct Finite Difference Method (DFDM) for temperature field calculation and latent heat treatment was coupled with Cellular Automaton (CA) method for the grain growth. 2- dimensional simulation of the solidification grain structures and calculation of the concentration fields were carried out and the calculated concentration distributions were compared with exact solution. Castings having complex geometries such as turbine blades were applied for 3- dimensional CA-DFDM. Effects of grain selector and mold extraction speed on the solidification grain structures in the turbine blade were examined.
