pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381
한국주조공학회지 (15권4호 377-387)
A study on Defect Control of Al-12%Si Alloy by Partial Squeeze Die Casting Method
스퀴즈 병용 다이캐스팅법에 의한 Al-12%Si 합금의 결함제어에 관한 연구
Ok-Soo Kim*, Yong-Hyun Kim, Kwang-Hak Lee, Heung-Sik Kim
*Dongnam precision Co., *Ulsan Univ.
Partial squeeze die casting is a special die casting process which combines squeeze technique to conventional die casting. The influence of squeeze pressure (1500-3000kg/cm^2) and time-lags(0.5-2.0sec) on defect control, density and microstructure of ADC12 alloy die casts has been studied by appling partial squeeze die casting to air compressure front housing production. Defect free, maximum density of 2.736kg/cm^3 with sound microstructure of ADC12 alloy die cast has been obtained by partial squeeze die casting technique at the pressure of 2000-2500kg/cm^2 and time-lags of 1.0- 2.0sec.