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pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381


한국주조공학회지 (12권6호 450-457)

The Study on the Effect of Alloying Elements(V,Ti) and Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties in Chromium Cast Iron

크롬주철의 기계적 성질에 미치는 합금원소(V,Ti)와 열처리의 영향에 관한 연구

Sug-Won Kim, Dong-Keon Kim, Eui-Kwoon Lee, Ho-YeaI Jang*

*National Industrial Technology of Chonbuk, Chonbuk National University


The study aims to investigate the influence of alloying elements(V,Ti) and heat treatment on the mechanical properties in hypo- eutectic chromium cast iron. Before heat treatment, all of the specimen were fully annealed(950℃X5Hr) to homogenize their structures. The influence of heat treatment and alloying elements(V,Ti) on hardness, retained austenite volume, and charpy impact energy as well as tensile strength of the specimen was tested systematically. Retained austenite decreased with the increase of V and Ti, but incresed with the increase of number of cycles. The impact energy decreased, and hardness and tensile strength increased with the increase of alloying elements (V,Ti) and the decrease of the number of cycles. The hardness and tensile strength increased, but impact energy decreased with the increase of V and Ti elements and the temperature of destabillization heat treatment. After the destabillization heat treatment at the same temperature, the impact energy is increased, while hardness and tensile strength decreased as the increase of tempering temperature. Retained austenite increased with increase of destabilizatoin heat treatment temperature, while decrease with the increase of tempering temperature.
