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pISSN : 1598-706X / eISSN : 2288-8381


한국주조공학회지 (2권2호 10-17)

Influence of Heat Treatment on the Structures and Mechanical Properties of Cast Irons.

주철(鑄鐵)의 열처리조건(熱處理條件)에 의한 조직(組織) 및 기계적(機械的) 성질(性質)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(1)

Chang Ock CHOI**, Hong Beom KIM*

*Pusan high school of technology, **Dong A univ.


This study has been carried out to determine the change of mechanical properties and microstructures by the heattreatment to relieve the residual stresses for gray cast irons. The results have been obtained from the experiment as follows; 1) The annealing above 600℃ for the stress relieving of gray cast iron decrease the tensile strength and hardness 2) The decrease reates of tensile strength and hardness of gray cast iron after annealing above 600℃ are increased with increasing the holding time. 3) The gray cast iron containing the elements of Mn, Cr has increased the heating temperature for the decrease of tensile strength and hardness. 4) The decrease of mechanical properties by annealing are assumed that the formation of ferrite takes placed from the decomposition of eutectoid cementite in the matrix.
